Are CBD edibles bad for your liver? Recently, we received a question on the CBD Oil Review Facebook page about whether edibles containing cannabidiol (CBD) are bad for your liver, given that cannabidiol e-liquid and CBD oil impacts both liver enzymes and the liver itself. This is a great question, but there is no clear answer.

CBD edibles are products containing CBD which is derived from the hemp plant.

CBD or cannabidiol is a natural chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. It is believed that CBD has the potential to treat various ailments. Although CBD can be derived from marijuana and hemp, it does not make you high. The term “CBD edibles” refers to any food item infused with CBD, whether it is made from marijuana or hemp.
CBD edibles are becoming more and more popular because they are a legal and delicious way of getting all the benefits of CBD. A lot of people prefer ingesting CBD through edibles as opposed to other methods such as tinctures, vape juice, and sublingual drops, for various reasons including taste, ease of consumption, and dosage control.
CBD edibles are available in a wide variety of forms, including brownies, cookies, gummies, lollipops, chocolates, candies and much more. These products give you all the benefits of CBD in a convenient form. You can simply pop them in your mouth whenever you need relief from pain or anxiety.
Although CBD edibles are more potent than other forms such as tinctures or vape juice due to their high bioavailability, some people still prefer vaping or smoking over ingesting CBD through food items.

The liver is the organ that breaks down chemicals and processes them for use or excretion.

The liver also converts nutrients from food into substances the body needs, stores these substances, and supplies cells with them when needed. The liver receives blood containing digested food from the digestive tract. This blood contains nutrients as well as wastes and toxic substances that must be removed from the body. The liver processes these substances to provide energy and materials needed by body cells and rid the body of waste products.
In performing its many functions, the liver uses a variety of chemical substances called enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that cause specific chemical reactions to occur. They are found in all parts of the body, including the blood and digestive tract. Many of these chemicals may have harmful effects on your health if they build up in your blood at high levels for a long time.
The adult human liver weighs about 1.5 kilograms (3 to 4 pounds), making it the second largest organ (after skin) in the human body. It has two main lobes, left and right, which are both made up of smaller lobes. The larger left lobe contains two lobes itself: the quadrate lobe and caudate lobe.

Liver function tests include prothrombin time, albumin, and bilirubin tests and work in a variety of ways.

Prothrombin time (PT) and INR: PT is a blood test that measures the time it takes blood to clot. It is also called the INR, which stands for International Normalized Ratio. This test checks how long it takes your blood to clot if you are taking warfarin (Coumadin). Warfarin is a medicine that prevents blood clots from forming. The PT is usually measured after you take warfarin for 1 or 2 weeks.
An albumin test measures the amount of albumin in your blood. Albumin is a type of protein made by the liver. This test can find liver disease early on in people with hepatitis B or C because albumin levels often stay normal in these early stages of disease.
A bilirubin test measures the amount of bilirubin in your blood. Bilirubin is a waste product that’s made when old red blood cells break down and get removed from your body. Normally, your liver removes bilirubin from your blood so that it can be passed out of your body through urine or stool.

CBD does not cause liver damage but high doses of CBD have been shown to reduce liver function blood tests temporarily.

The research on CBD and liver damage is a bit more complicated. Researchers at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences found that high doses of CBD (800mg) twice daily for 3 weeks reduced liver function blood tests in mice.
The researchers stated that the results were not surprising, as other medications are known to reduce liver function blood tests, including some antiepileptic drugs, antidepressants and antipsychotics.
The reduction in blood tests was temporary and levels returned to normal two weeks after stopping treatment. No long-term damage was observed.
The researchers concluded that at this time, there is no evidence that CBD causes liver injury in humans.

The only way to know for sure if CBD products are affecting your liver is to do regular liver function tests (blood tests).

The best indicator of potential liver damage from CBD oil is the potential adverse side effects.
CBD oil can affect your liver in a positive way, but it’s important to understand that there are also many negative effects that can occur.
One of the most common side effects is increased appetite, which can lead to weight gain. This is because CBD oil affects the hypothalamus, an area of the brain that regulates appetite and metabolism. In addition, CBD oil has been shown to increase levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates hunger.

Make sure you inform your doctor if you’re using CBD edibles so they can monitor your liver function periodically.

If you want to get the therapeutic benefits of CBD without any of the side effects, try a CBD tincture or a CBD balm.
CBD can be taken in many forms, including edibles, oils and tinctures.
CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in cannabis. It is generally extracted from hemp plants which are naturally high in CBD and other phytochemicals. There are hundreds of unique varieties of hemp. The cultivars used for CBD oil contain significantly higher concentrations of CBD than others. Using these uniquely potent plants, it is possible to extract cannabis oil that contains significant levels of cannabidiol, as well as essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, terpenes, flavonoids and other non-psychoactive cannabinoids.
This product makes a great alternative to ingesting the oil or CBD capsules and not having to worry about the unwanted effects of smoking marijuana such as intoxication and paranoia. Always consult your physician before starting a new dietary supplement program. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural constituent of hemp oil.

Review Are CBD Edibles Bad for Your Liver?.

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