Have you ever had a burning sensation after using the CBD product? Or what you originally thought was to use the CBD to treat pain, and found that it not only did not help you relieve pain but also exacerbated your pain. We found some comments under Reddit  (https://www.reddit.com/r/CBD/comments/65zow8/broken_ankle_increase_in_sensation_burning_pain/)


In many blogs, the promotion of pain in CBD products is promoted, but it is ignored if it is used improperly to increase pain. For pathological conditions such as neuropathic pain, where the problem is that the internal dysfunction of the nerve itself and subsequent interference of the entire nervous system is not limited to the pain system, cannabis may be beneficial. But some studies seem to indicate that our model shows that cannabinoids over-activate the pain system and further increase this effect when marijuana does not seem to be a good idea.



Can CBD increase pain?

Just as we have analyzed before, CBD and THC are together, their combination can achieve better results, but the THC in the CBD products on the market must not exceed 0.5mg.

A small study published in anesthesiology in 2007 examined the effects of THC on pain in 15 healthy participants. A heat-sensitive model induced by capsaicin was developed to induce pain and hyperalgesia at regular intervals, resulting in secondary hyperalgesia at stable sites. It is, therefore, easier to test the effects of THC and anti-hyperalgesic without significant tissue damage. This method can directly compare the areas of heat pain and hyperalgesia before and after medication, thereby reducing the interference caused by psychological factors. The type of pain tested was by injection of capsaicin. Capsaicin is a compound that causes calories to burn calories. In other words, it is the burning sensation you feel when you eat pepper. Capsaicin extracts this burning sensation and injects it into your skin.

Participants were given marijuana containing low (2%), moderate (4%) and high (8%) doses of THC or placebo. All participants consumed marijuana at some time during the past 30 days and were familiar with the effects of the plant.

The study found that

 low doses                               do not affect pain

 Moderate dose                      pain relief

  High dose                              increased pain     


This is because the THC in the CBD product has a biphasic reaction in the body, and it is like climbing in the treatment of pain. It reaches the apex and continues to move forward. The front can only be the way down the mountain. Low doses of THC have little effect on the treatment of pain. Moderate doses of THC can effectively relieve pain. If high doses of THC are used, it will have a counteraction, which will stimulate pain sensitivity and increase the degree of pain.


Why CBD can increase pain?

When our body is organized and damaged, a neuron called C-fibers in our neurons first senses damage to the body tissue and transmits the damaged signal to the spinal cord.

In the spinal cord, C-fibers are connected to second-order neurons, and second-order neurons transmit signals from the spinal cord to the brain. Intersections of C-fibers and secondary neurons are interneurons that can modulate this signal. In particular, inhibitory interneurons can reduce the intensity of signals sent to the brain. The brain then interprets the signal and produces a negative emotional state that we call pain.

Sensitivity begins to occur after the initial pain signal is sent. This makes the tissue damage site more sensitive to pain. Even the undamaged areas around the tissue damage become more sensitive. This is called hyperalgesia. It should be noted that cannabinoids are not mediated by cannabinoid CB1 or CB2 receptors.

Pain signals and cannabinoids are highly complex, and for cannabis on the immune system, cannabinoids activate CB2 receptors to reduce the release of pro-inflammatory molecules. In terms of spinal cord pain, cannabinoids bind to glycine receptors in the spinal cord to enhance the pain-blocking effect of glycine, and cannabinoids also regulate the pain signal by activating CB1 receptors in the brain.

A pathological condition such as neuropathic pain, in which the internal dysfunction of the nerve itself and subsequent interference of the entire nervous system is not limited to the pain system, cannabis may be beneficial. Some studies seem to indicate that our model shows that cannabinoids over-activate the pain system, and it seems that it is not a good idea to further increase this effect. in CB1 receptor activation reduces the effect of inhibitory interneurons on maintaining pain. This is not to say that there are no other possible mechanisms. For example, the regulation of emotional state can also affect the degree of pain, and the general irritability caused by excessive cannabis may also increase the degree of pain. It also depends on the cannabis does. Although there may be dose levels that cause pain relief, even a slightly higher dose can reverse the effect and worsen the pain.

CBD can increase pain

If your pain is severe due to increased cannabis, blocking the CB1 receptor may help improve your pain. However, there are currently no commercially available CB1 receptor blockers. It may also be useful to carefully titrate your dose with strains of low THC and high CBD., blocking the CB1 receptor may help improve your pain. However, there are currently no commercially available CB1 receptor blockers. It may also be useful to carefully titrate your dose with strains of low THC and high CBD.

  1. Everyone has their own unique cannabis tolerance. For some people, “high doses” may be excessive doses. For others, it may be like soup before dinner. There is no uniform standard. How to find your sweet spot, you can only slowly increase the dose, when you feel uncomfortable or your pain starts to be severe, then this does is already high dose for you.
  2. Because of the two-way reaction of THC, we should choose high CBD and low THC products in terms of products. If high doses of tetrahydrocannabinol are taken for a prolonged period of time, tolerance to the compound may cause repeated pain. Although it may seem counterintuitive, reducing THC dose and breaking cannabis tolerance can help you restore sensitivity to cannabinoids. However, be prepared when you reduce your dose or take tolerance.

The effect of high CBD is that if you accidentally consume too much THC and want to relieve mental activity, the CBD has calming and pain-sensitive effects. The CBD and THC work synergistically to fight body pain. The CBD also specifies the efficacy and efficacy of THC.

Review Are You Also Troubled by the Increased Pain of the CBD?.

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