What’s The Difference Between CBD and THC?
There are two plants in cannabis, THC and CBD. THC is what gets you high and CBD is the non-psychoactive cannabinoid. But CBD does so much more than that. This article will teach you about the differences between CBD and THC.
What’s the difference between CBD and THC?
CBD and THC are similar in molecular structure, with subtle differences in the arrangement of atoms that makes one substance psychoactive and the other not.
Both CBD and THC interact with cells within our bodies by activating thecannabinoid receptors. Without venturing too deeply into technical terms, we can say that these receptors are responsible for transmitting signals within our bodies, causing different physiological effects.
Some cannabinoids are capable of desirable effects (they are beneficial to us). Others cause undesirable psychotropic effects in our bodies (such as getting “high,” or causing depression, etc.), and a few of these substances cause both desirable and undesirable effects.
THC is the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis. In other words, THC is the substance in marijuana that gets you “high.” Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive. This quality makes CBD an appealing option for those who are looking for relief from pain and other symptoms without the mind-altering effects of marijuana or certain pharmaceutical drugs.
Are there side effects from CBD?
There are a few side effects that have been reported by users of CBD oil. The most common side effect is tiredness, but this is frequently due to the dosage.
It’s important to note that CBD oil isn’t approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for any medical condition, which means that the products discussed, and statements made in this article have also not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Even though CBD oil doesn’t lead to a high like THC, you may still experience some adverse side-effects if you’re sensitive to CBD or the product you purchased contains more THC than stated on the label.
Before taking CBD oil for any condition, it is important to consult your doctor first and do your own research into potential interactions with your existing medications and health conditions.
Does CBD get you high?
Some CBD products are more potent than others. Still, many have been known to cause a feeling of euphoria after consumption.
But does CBD get you high? The short answer is no, CBD does not get you high.
CBD is the non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants. The psychoactive compound, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is also found in cannabis and it’s this compound that causes the feeling of getting “high” that’s typically associated with marijuana.
While CBD products contain less than 0.3 percent THC on average, there are still trace amounts present. This means that it’s possible to fail a drug test after consuming CBD products.
Several factors can influence how long CBD stays in your system, including dosage and frequency of use. But overall, most experts agree that CBD shouldn’t show up on a drug test if you’re using it as directed.
Does CBD show up on a drug test?
The short answer is yes. “CBD is typically sold as an oil, and has been receiving press as a potential treatment for a wide variety of medical issues,” says Nicholas Riman, DO, an osteopathic family physician and cannabis specialist who practices in Colorado. Because CBD oil can be extracted from hemp or from marijuana, it’s often confused with its cousin, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the chemical compound found in marijuana that gives users a “high” sensation.
Even though it may be derived from the same plant, the two compounds have different properties.
But because CBD oil is sometimes sold in combination with THC (as full-spectrum CBD), it’s possible that you could test positive for marijuana if you use a full-spectrum extract.
Do you need a medical marijuana card for CBD?
With the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp and hemp-derived products are now fully legal in the U.S. — but only if they contain less than 0.3% THC by dry weight. That opens up a new market for CBD products, including oils and capsules that you can get without a prescription or a medical marijuana card.
In other words, a product that contains only CBD will not produce the high that comes from consuming THC or smoking cannabis. However, many CBD products on the market include trace amounts of THC. The risk is minimal, but if you take drug tests for work and need to be sure that you’re 100% free from THC, there are several ways to do so:
Avoid full-spectrum CBD products entirely and stick with pure CBD isolate instead. It’s much harder to find, but there are manufacturers who make it. It may also be available at some dispensaries in states where medical marijuana is legal (look for high-CBD strains that contain less than 0.3% THC).
If you want to try full-spectrum products with less than 0.3% THC, use oral dosing rather than inhalation. When you consume orally — whether by swallowing a capsule or taking an oil under your tongue.
We know that cannabidiol (CBD) is safe, but do you know about the possible side effects of CBD oil? We share what you need to know.
Some people are a little concerned about the safety of CBD oil. That’s understandable, especially if you’re new to using CBD oil. After all, you want to do what’s best for your health, and that includes avoiding any possible side effects or adverse reactions that could occur when taking any product (natural or not).
If you’ve been searching online for information on the safety of CBD oil and its possible side effects, you may have come across claims that it can cause liver damage or affect your liver enzymes.
This concern is rooted in a study published in 2018 in the journal Molecules which found that high doses of CBD caused liver toxicity in mice after seven days of treatment. However, when the researchers reduced the dose by half, there were no signs of toxicity. This was a single study performed on a small sample size of mice and needs to be further researched before we can draw any conclusions about its impact on humans.
So far, no research has found any evidence that suggests CBD oil causes liver damage in humans.
Review What’s The Difference Between CBD and THC?.